Reproductive Justice

Although we tackle a number of issue areas, the main lens we organize through is Reproductive Justice. This means we critically analyze the issue and determine how it impacts a person's right to: 1) have children; 2) not have children; 3) parent the children we do have in safe and sustainable communities; and the right to bodily integrity, bodily autonomy and the right to be self-determining.

Sex work

We're on a mission to change the way the world views sex work. We are working to decriminalize and destigmatize sex work. We do this through advocacy, direct support, education, and research. Our vision is a world where all people, especially sex workers, have their human rights respected and protected.

Queer Liberation

We want to live in a world where all people are free to live their lives free of oppression. As a queer-led organization, we are committed to creating a world where queer folx thrive and where we can live full lives. This is done through community events, education, advocacy against the mounting attacks against our existence, and providing safe spaces for queer folx to exist and be with community.